
Putting the Awesome Back in Maps

Founded by Simon Schütz in 2010.

Being a landlocked surfer from Germany, Simon returned from a surf trip through Europe with a desire to pin the amazing places he had surfed on a map. But when he saw the available maps, he was disappointed—they were boring and uninspiring, failing to capture the beauty and excitement of the world. He found Lars who illustrated the first map.

That’s when the work began.

The Path to Awesome Maps

The original idea was to create an illustrated world map, but it felt empty. So we started adding surf spots, even ones we hadn't surfed yet. As we researched and decided which spots to include, we realized we needed to add icons to each spot to capture all the information. This transformed our project into more than just a map - a surf atlas.

It became an inspiration in our homes, reminding us of future adventures and past experiences, as well as the amazing people we've met along the way. It served as a gentle reminder of the incredible world out there.

What began as the first map evolved into our mission for all kinds of hobbies and passions. Our products unlock the world for you, serving as inspiring reminders of the amazing world always waiting for you.

Our Values

Our main mission is to create products that you love. In the end, the most sustainable product is one that stays on your wall or in your bag, and not in a landfill.

We have been working long-term with illustrators and printing partners for over 10 years, from Malaysia to Argentina, the United States, and Europe. We are proud that this appreciation for diverse people and cultures shines through in all the products we make.

When making our maps and other products, we always seek the most sustainable methods. This includes using certified materials, printing locally, and offsetting carbon emissions during shipping.

Rather than supporting organizations, we directly support the people we meet along the way and the causes brought to us by our community. If you have an awesome project that could use some help, please reach out to us.


Certified materials, local production, carbon offset shipping

Made With People

Made with people from all parts of the world, ensuring fair wages for everyone

Giving Back

Supporting real people directly, as well as grassroots organizations across the world